Dancing with the Stars is the story of Kendall. First, he was a marine now he an agent. His mission is to become a part of the Hollywood Stars. To become their friend. To know them. Learn from them. Kendall meticulously intertwines himself with the Stars. He learns their secrets and become one of them. The story tells how Kendall meets a young couple Eden and Carolyn. How he makes a promise to them. This promise compromises the role he plays and the mission he needs to fulfill. The story starts with his choices and how he became an agent. In the end Kendall is reminded that he was never one of them. He was not their friend. He was always there to betray them. Kendall made a choice because of the promise he made. The choice to keep her safe even if it meant he could no longer be an agent. The marine in him kept his promise to the very end.
The story continue in Dancing in the Moonlight. Soon on Amazon.