She will bring order to chaos.

Coming soon on Amazon.

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Jal spoke. It was the will of the Ancient one. He knew the one who holds such great power needed time to adjust to it. It also gave the realms time for the harbingers of Death to rise. As for your generals, they have been fighting the Nightmares of this World. The King turns towards Jal. He scowls at him. So I'm just to stand here and do nothing? The Nightmares of this world have taken my souls. Don’t you hear their cry? Don’t you feel their loss when the nightmares of this world have taken them? Can’t you feel anything? Jal sighs. He spoke. There is a balance in all the realms. A balance of good and evil. It is the toughness of war which brings life. Carly holds this balance. She will bring order to chaos. The Kings scowls at Jal. He angrily spoke. You put too much faith in a mere human. Jal laughs. You should know her by now. The King spoke. She is a pain in my ass. Stubborn, foolish and hung up on the past. Why do you still think she will fight? 


charlamae rose

We all have a story to tell. Of people we met. Of place we been too. I share these story from a beautiful place surround by mountains. It's a beautiful place full of adventures. From the splashing of the waves and the seagulls squawking. The eagles standing tall. To the moose in the wintertime licking your truck after it snows. Here everything is left to your imagination. The adventures we live are told over campfires. This is my home and i share these stories with you. He lived his entire life never revealing his true self. He was alone never letting anyone get to closed. He live his life anonymously to the very end. This is Kendall's story.

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